Acrylic paint Pouring Experiences 118 ml Dark Magenta
4,60 €
SKU: 524614
Brand: Pebeo
Unit: pcs
Qty: 3
Brand: Pebeo
Unit: pcs
Qty: 3
Acrylic glossy fluid pre-mixed with a medium, it is ready to use for casting, eliminating the mixing stages, saving on time and ensuring quality.
The Pouring Experiences range is a complete array of products enabling beginners or experienced consumers to investigate, test and develop pouring techniques.
Acrylic glossy fluid pre-mixed with a medium, it is ready to use for casting, eliminating the mixing stages, saving on time and ensuring quality.
Acrylic glossy fluid pre-mixed with a medium, it is ready to use for casting, eliminating the mixing stages, saving on time and ensuring quality.