Art Portfolio, A3 , size 48x37 cm, black, 1pc
15,90 €
SKU: PC208
Unit: pcs
Qty: 8
Unit: pcs
Qty: 8
Document folder with handles for fine arts. Exterior made of plastic and interior in nylon. Zip closure with reinforced edges for greater protection.Interior with a pocket on one side and,on the other, elastic bands with a clasp to hold thework. With detachable hanging handle to transport more easily. A3 size. Measurements: 42 x 29.7cm.
Document folder with handles for fine arts. Exteriormade of plastic and interior in nylon. Zipclosurewith reinforced edges for greater protection.Interior with a pocket on one side and,onthe other, elastic bands with a clasp to hold thework. With detachable hanging handle to transportmore easily. A3 size. Measurements: 42 x 29.7cm.