Crystal Resin BIO 6L colourless
Unit: pcs
Qty: 1
Ideal for castings, inclusions, bottoms of platters, jewellery creation, coatings, laminates...
Properties :
Two component epoxy resin system: resin and hardener. Transparent and solid, perfectly imitates glass paste.
Use: Moulding of decorative objects, bottom of platters, jewellery, decoration of surfaces, inclusions no thicker than 5cm. In a thin layer, it provides a varnished effect on your creations.
Surfaces: glass, ceramic, metal, silicone, painted wood, plastic. Hardening time: Surface: 12 h To the core: 24h
Conservation: 6 months in closed jar after opening.
Ideal storage temperature: 15°C to 25°C. Protect from freezing. Cleaning: soap and water.
Packaging : 150ml – 300ml – 750ml
Applications :
1. In a dry and clean recipient begin by pouring 1 dose of Crystal Hardener B followed by 2 doses of Crystal Resin A.
2. Mix well the two components all the way to the corners of the recipient (incomplete mixing does not guaranteethe hardening, mixing too strongly can create the appearance of bubbles). Transfer the mixture into a second recipient and mix again to ensure homogeneity of the resin and optimum hardening.
3. Pour into the surface of your choice.
4. Let dry 24 hours away from dust. The hardening is progressive and varies with the room temperature.
Gédéo tips:
- To verify the required quantity of each component and not waste the product, fill the mould to be used with
water and pour into a measuring cup: a third of the volume for the hardener and two thirds for the resin. Dry the mould and the measuring cup before pouring the crystal resin.
- The mixture is homogeneous when it becomes transparent.
- To give an appearance of shine to your projects, use the Gédéo GLOSS + varnish or Gédéo crystal resin in thin coats.
- To allow the shaping of your creation (example: paste your moulding around a bottle ...) you can unmold after 12 hours of drying. The complete hardening occurs after 24 hours.
- Avoid contact with skin and eyes, wear gloves.
- Do not mix the components of the Gédéo Crystal Resin with the components of the Gédéo Glazing Resin.
- Gédéo resins are not approved for food contact.
- Do not exceed 150ml of crystal resin preparation per mix.